Monday, November 7, 2011

Quote of the week

"There are certain things in us that do not change. We all like to be unique, we like to be valued, we like to be complimented, and we like to accomplish things, for ourselves, our families, our community and out society."
                    - Dov Seidman

Years ago, when I was in college, I used to put a "quote of the week" taped to my dorm room door. Some days, I would open the door to go out, only to come face to face with someone reading the quote. Years later, after the advent of e-mail, I began to put a quote of the week at the end of my e-mails, something I do to this day. I used to post these on my blog, and got away from it, but at times, people write me for this or that quote, (which inevitably I have trouble finding) so I began to post them again. You will be able to reference the quotes by visiting the "quotes" label on the right column of the blog.

The picture was taken in Sterling, NY. You can click on it for a larger version.


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