Sunday, August 3, 2008

A blessed day

I went for a ride yesterday afternoon to the Peaks of Otter. The last time I was there the lake had been drained, and it was a mucky mess. But they have begun to let the streams fill it back up and while it's not near full yet, it's getting there and it is once again a picturesque scene

Wild grasses and cat tails have grown up in the swampy edges of the lake, a sea of green. I am used to seeing cat tails in the fall, when the greenery is past it's prime, and the fronds are brown and the cat tail pods have opened up to release their seeds. But here in August, the fronds are rich and green, like spring flowers and the pods are smaller and less tired looking. Beautiful, more beautiful than the classic fall images we are used to seeing.

The day was still and hot. We've had rain for a few days here and it's been cool, but today it felt like August. The water was still, so still reflections were everywhere and I was able to get this shot with sky in the sky and sky in the water. No, it's not great photography, but it was great fun to look at.

It had been a long week, unfocused and I had not felt myself for much of the week. But getting out like this, soaking in the sun, being able to walk in God's beauty, to think and pray and take pictures.... it was a good way to go into a holiday weekend. I felt blessed by the day.


PS- you can click on the pictures for larger versions.

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